Join A Team
Do you want to use your gifts and abilities to make a difference at Living Faith AND make friends at the same time?
The best way to do this is through serving!
Get involved in your church. Help others discover Christ and grow in their faith.
To get the process started, simply click the button below any of the teams that interest you and we will guide you through the steps.
Thanks for JOINING in!
First Impressions Team
On the First Impressions Team, we understand that new guests form an opinion about our church within the first minutes of their experience. From the second a guest pulls into the parking lot, our team creates an atmosphere of hospitality by expressing genuine love to our guests so they may hear from God’s Word today. If this is an area you are passionate about, please join our team.
This team includes:
Greeters/Ushers, Counters, Coffee Service & Connections Desk Services
Kids Zone & Jr. Kids Zone Teams
Children’s ministry is first and foremost about Jesus. It’s helping children know Jesus as their King and be citizens in His kingdom. And this can only happen when, working in tandem with the Holy Spirit, we in the Kids Zone Team work together to create a process and atmosphere that connects children with Jesus and His Story. If you desire to help children in their walk with God, this is the team for you.
This team can include:
Jr Kids Zone - Babies & Toddlers
Kids Zone - Pre-K to Gr 6
Youth Team
Investing in today’s youth is necessary in growing the body of Christ. Teaching young people in the church to grow in their relationship with the Lord prepares them to serve Christ in all they do. Youth need guidance and support as they navigate through the most challenging part of their development and seek to grow in their walk with Christ. Christ-like leaders are needed to serve young members of the congregation and help them to reach their full potential. If this is an area that you want to help develop and see flourish, join the team.
Worship & Tech Teams
The Living Faith Worship Team exists to create an atmosphere for the congregation to worship God through music. We desire to lead the congregation into deeper worship, bringing God's people to His throne through musical excellence, creativity, and passion. Above all, we desire for God to be glorified through everything we do as a worship team. If you sing, play an instrument, work well with computer or even love to work with the Sound team, this is for you.